Strategic Insights for Personal Growth
The Tools and Tactics to Building a Library of Great Books, Reading Better, and Remembering More of What You Read
“When I have a little money, I buy books; and if I have any left, I buy food and clothes.”
Modern education is failing.People are losing trust in the system.The shift to online education has already begun.From institution to individual. Centralized to decentralized.Can you see it happening all around you?
YouTubers are providing free information that universities can't compete with.
Instagram accounts that you love and learn from on a daily basis are growing massive followings (you probably know as much as them on the topic).
Twitter accounts that use nothing but writing to build massive leverage (they don't have to post shirtless pictures to build a following).
All other forms of media that are available to anyone that understands how to play the game.
I see this on Twitter almost every other day:"I've learned more on Twitter in 6 months than I ever did completing my 4 year degree."I think it's safe to say that the future belongs to those that take advantage of this mental & financial wealth transfer.That is to say — those who pursue their curiosity, learn to build, learn to sell, and learn to capture attention in the age of opportunity.It sounds like a dream (and it is, all crazy ideas start as blasphemy), but the reality is that most people have not developed themselves to a point of realizing this potential future.The people you follow on social media saw the opportunity.They were some of the first 2nd tier thinkers of our age.And after speaking, working, and consulting with many of them, I can tell you that they are not "special."They are just good at the skills listed above.These skills can be trained. Fast.So who is this for exactly?Anybody that falls into one of these categories:
You don't understand the ins-and-outs of growing an audience, packaging up the information in your head, and selling it via the infinite scale of the internet.
You struggle to come up with "Damn, I wish I wrote that" level ideas on a consistent basis (that build authority and trust with the reader).
If you did start, you would have no idea how what the best route to take would be (and feel like you aren't experienced enough).
You've already started — but struggle to create your own niche, grow a loyal audience, or create original content (without templates).
You don't know how to merge what you love talking about with a profitable product or service (because everything else sounds scammy).
You don't have a system for turning ideas into content, subscribers, and sales that can be maintained with 1-hour a day. (Once systemized, you have free time to build more.)
You've gone through all of the free internet content on social media, branding, and online business but still can't seem to make things work.
You know there are a lot of social media growth, freelancing, content creation, and other paid courses but feel like they are all the same (and aren't sure which you can confidently invest your money in).
Lastly, you don't have the time to spend all day trying to grow on all social media platforms, send outreach messages, write newsletters, write blog posts, film videos, and still have the time to do anything else.
Did one of those hit a pain point? (That's what I'm trying to do here).If it did, I will solve all of those problems for you in the next 90 days.